The short version:
- Print a range of colour swatches from provided artwork using Edge Print
- Match one of the printed swatches with a provided product
- Register a Spot Colour in Edge Print with those specific CMYK values
- Add a Spot Colour in your design software with the exact same name as in Edge Print
- Print the right colour every time!
The Longer version….
You’re provided with your client’s corporate logo guide with all the CMYK values. When you print a sample using those exact values, your colour doesn’t match any of their prior printing and the client is not happy. How do you match it to their expected colours and not what they told you it should be?
Colour replacement function in Edge print is where you need to head to. Use it to create a sample of colours to select the correct colour your client will be happy with for all their future printing projects.
- Select Color Replacement Tab on the right
- Click Edit
- Click Eyedropper tool and select the colour to match
- Click Output-Color Adjustment Chart
That will open the following dialogue box.
- Slide the Number of patches to the max (343)
- Color Difference slider drag to 3.0 to start with
- Add job to create the colour swatch print out.
These settings gives a wide net of colours to match with.
The above has created a print job, you will notice when you look under the Colour Settings tab that the profiles are set to No Color Adjustment. This is because you are looking to bypass colour adjustments for this colour in future prints.
Print the Color Adjustment Chart using your normal media settings and pass rates.
To narrow your search down and get an even closer match, complete this process again using your selected square’s CMYK values and running a smaller number of patches with less difference between the patches. This process can be completed as many times as needed to get the correct colour. You will need to print a new set of swatches each time you create a colour range.
When you find a colour match, create a CMYK value swatch in your design software pallet to use when creating future artwork. Save this swatch as a Spot Colour and make sure you name the colour something that can be registered within Edge Print. In the case of our example, we have called it CyberOrange. The Spot colour name needs to be the same formatting so that Edge Print can pick it up and process it correctly each time you print.
Adding a new colour swatch to your Presets:
In Edge Print select Tool > Manage Preset
Click the big + button under Color Collection to add your new spot colour. When you first do this process, you will have to create a group name. This is so you can categorise your swatches and backup your groups. You can add as many swatches as you need to each group. Follow through the steps on the screen to add each swatch giving it the EXACT name and CMYK values that you created for your spot colour swatch.
To check it is recognised in Edge Print head to Color Replacement with your artwork loaded. You should see both Input and Output Colours listed and The Spot colour name as in image below.
Now anytime you bring in artwork with this spot colour it will print the same correct colour. Remember if you are receiving artwork from your client directly to make sure they have the Spot Colour set on there design software so when you receive it in print ready fashion.
Download a pdf version here: